DX Tips is a newsletter focusing on Developer Tools, Developer Relations, and all things Developer Experience curated by swyx. We welcome guest submissions and sponsors!
DX @ HuggingFace: Scaling open source ML community 200% a year with No OKRs & No Meetings · Following the ZIRP DevRel post, the community has had many...
Discussions on Hacker News and Twitter and Changelog and Twitter (especially Emily Freeman. We did a 1hr podcast conversation on the Changelog as well...
One of the most bread and butter situations in devrel is the tactical decision on whether to announce something on company vs personal accounts. You...
This is meant as a Meetups oriented complement to How to Do IRL Conferences Good and is a subset of the broader How To Community genre. Read those for...
A recurring pattern you see in long competitive games is the contrast between a "long" game and a "short" game. As this is the season for setting...
A hackathon-focused followup to How To Do IRL Conferences Good · A team I am advising is prepping for a series of 5 hackathons this year and asked for...